Chef’s Table: Dominique Crenn
Autumn has come with its cool breeze
Mellow serenades of colors licorice and orange
Where the broad ocean leans against the Spanish land
A gentle smell, oceanic, of yummy feeling
Sitting on top of the dune, feeling the beach sand under my toes
the half moon, silky and smoky
Woody and stone,
Nature rejoice, chasing childhood memories
Wrapped in a yellow blanket
Walking deep in the woods, as the snow might have something to spare
Birth which gives its morning mystery.
Where bird sing and are causing ripples in the nearby water
Dotting the fragrant flora
Autumn has come and full of sweet surprises.
Asta e un meniu. La Atelier Crenn. Pentru ca mancarea e poezie.
Si a propos de asta, o chestie care duce Chef’s Table mult dincolo de un documentar obisnuit si pe care am uitat s-o spun cu alte ocazii: nu e vorba atat despre mancare, cat despre oamenii care o fac.